The Beers


Bière Blonde (PALE ALE) :

6° Alcohol, fruity pur barley malt pale ale, balancing fruit hop bitterness and hop aromatic, yellow orange in colour, beutiful body. 

Bière Ambrée (Red Ale) :

6° Alcohol.Pur barley malt ale with a part of red cristalised malt giving a deeper malty taste, balancing hop and malt, loads of body.


6°Alcohol. The ultimate black stuff for this Dublin man, smooth and powerful, pur barley malt with a part of chocolat malt for a deep black colour and a just right taste.

medium dark wheat beer :

6°Alcohol. Barley and wheat malt togeather with some darker malt for full super fruity flavor, balanced with loads of hops, another full body beer.

Sweet Chestnut Ale:

6° Alcohol, 85% light barley malt fortified with 15% freshly roasted chestnuts. Intresting variation of pale ale, long roasted sweet chestnut taste, loads of body and hops.


biere-au-mielHoney Beer:

Beer with Perigordian honey and light barley malt. Light golden color, wonderful fizzy explosion of honey and bubbles in your mouth.  Nice hop taste.